For instance I have absolutely no sense of
direction. This is partly the reason I only drive to places which I have learnt
off by heart, as it were. I spent a weekend with a friend in New York once. Now
the whole street system of New York is laid out like a grid and it has quite a
simple logic with streets named 42nd etc. Unfortunately this simple
logic eluded me and as we walked around I kept asking my friend A, ‘Where are
we now?’
‘But it’s
obvious, are you pretending or what? She soon realised I was genuinely lost. ‘I
remember another friend with a terrible sense of direction, but you knock spots
off her ‘she told me.
My friend L
has more of a male brain, but then again she is a quantity surveyor and is good
at working out mathematical angles and graphs and scales of things. She is also
quite fearless and determined. I remember when the four of us were in her
husband’s company car driving to Ghent. We came across various road signs in
Flemish which she careered through until eventually we came up to a half- built
roundabout. We realised afterwards they
must have meant ‘road closed’.
She stopped the car, pondered, and then seeing a truck driving up a dirt track said, ‘We’ll follow him, this car’s suspension’s knackered anyway’. And she did!
She stopped the car, pondered, and then seeing a truck driving up a dirt track said, ‘We’ll follow him, this car’s suspension’s knackered anyway’. And she did!
Clouds of
dust flew up around us as I and the other girly girl sitting in the back
squealed with terror. It was almost like being in some feminist cowboy film.
Would we end up like Thelma and Louise?
I still don’t know how L managed to steer us
around Ghent in the middle of the rush hour. She has this ability to look at a
map once and then remember it in 3 D.’I thought everyone did that until I met
you’, she said to me. Mind you, this is a woman, who, recovering in hospital
after an illness was presented by her husband with a present...of a hand drill!
And, she was happy with it!
Where was I
– oh yes, brains. I loved that story when the Duke of Edinburgh, addressing the
students at Cardiff University, advised them ‘There is one thing that this
country needs today, and that is brains.’ Uproar ensued as’ Brains’ is the name
of the main brewery in Cardiff.
Are all
women programmed by their brains to be ‘Domestic Goddesses?’This term now
features in our urban dictionary. It doesn’t refer to me- at least not the
first bit.
I remember
that time when two friends came round for a coffee. As they were leaving they
ran their fingers along the dust covering my banister. ‘Clear off, you cows
‘was my parting shot as they collapsed giggling in their car while I hunted for
the duster. These two ladies gave me one of the best surprise presents I’ve
ever had. On the day we were moving house they turned up unannounced with mops,
brushes and a serious type of hoover and just took over. ‘When did you last
clean these skirting boards?’ one asked sternly.' I didn’t know skirting boards
were meant to be cleaned.’ was my lame reply.
There’s lots
of stuff on the web about the difference between male and female brains.
Men are
generally sharply left-brain dominant, while women tend to be more evenly
balanced between the left and right-brain hemispheres. That’s why women are
supposed to be more communicative and intuitive. Apparently men have
approximately 6.5 times more grey matter in the brain than women, but women
have about 10 times more white matter than men.
So,how shall
I end this blog? So it’s not all black and white – more like grey? It’s a man’s
world? Mind over mater? Nah,
Forget it, I
think I’ll make myself a cup of tea; I can manage that at least.
Now, which
way was the kitchen.....?
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