Coming back from choir after a really good sing last night my husband told me “Just as well you weren’t here – you would have been seriously injured.”
Alarmed, he took me to the kitchen.
On the work surface was a puddle of French dressing and, on the floor, lying in another, was his cashmere jumper.
“How many times have I told you to put the tops back on jars” he asked.
Ah! I hadn’t done it properly and as he went to emulsify the contents with a really good shake the top flew off and the contents erupted – all over him. Last week I nearly set the kitchen on fire as I was yakking on the phone and left the frying pan smoking.
I have now been banned from the kitchen where my presence will not, and has not been for a while now, sorely missed.
off to a flying start- can't wait for the next posting!